Call for paper

Call for paper

The First International Conference On The Occasion Of The 100th Anniversary Of The Sheikh’s Martyrdom

A: The life of Sheilkh Mohammad Khiabani

1.Different stages of Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani’s life

2.Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani from Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei and other charachters’ persepective

3.Introducing Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani’s sermons

4.Analyzing the contents of Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani’s lecture collection

5.A reflection on Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani’s character distortion


B: His political and combatant side

1.The domestic and foreign factors and background of his uprising

2.Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani and the Persian Constitutional Revolution

3.Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani and Sattar Khan

4.His performance in Constitutional Parliament

5. A review of his performance in the ruling period

6.His resistance against Russian Ultimatum and Vosough-Ol-Doleh’s exploitative agreement

7. The reflection of Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani’s political and combatant demeanour

8.Iranian’s national unity and Azadistan in Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani’s eyes


C: The Ideology and religious slogans in Martyred Sheikh’s uprising

1.Political attitude and nature of Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani’s uprising

2.Islamism and religious slogans in Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani’s uprising

3.Manifestation of revolutionary mentality of the clergy in the era of Persian Constitutional Revolution

4.The supporting of liberty and justice in the Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani’s uprising

5.Campaign against tyranny and foreign ascendency and imperialism.


D: His social and cultural side

1.The social-cultural effects of his uprising in both domestic and foreign scale

2.His social-cultural innovations 3.His activities in The Press 4.Bibliography of his character and uprising

5.Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani as reflected in books,poetry, documents and literature

6.Pathology of Martyred Sheikh Mohammad Khiabani’s uprising


Secretariat address : The House of Shahid Mohammad Khiyabani Museum At The Beginning Of Shahid Beheshti Street Shahid Beheshti Square – Tabriz

Postal Code : 5154913575 Phone Number : +98-41-33355033

Deadline For Submitting Articles December/20/2020

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